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I am an interdisciplinary historian and artist at the intersection of race, technology, and dance in post-colonial Europe.


Ph.D. project:
Dancing after Decolonization

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), my research interests overlap in histories of race in post-colonial Europe, media ecologies, and dance. I explore these urgent themes in my Ph.D. project titled Dancing after Decolonization which investigates the history of race in surveillance and the subaltern creative resistance thereof in post-colonial Belgium through the lens of media technologies and dance from 1960 onwards. I look at how emergent "networking" technologies were not only instruments to surveil racially-profiled Black and Muslim communities in Brussels, they simultaneously facilitated the popularization of street and club dance cultures. I specifically focus on how sonic media and underground cyphers popularized hip hop and house dance, rooted in Black and Brown liberation movements in the US, in the new capital of the European Union. This project uses multiple archives (i.e. print, somatic, sonic and digital), media analysis, and (auto-)ethnography to recover and explain the earlier roots of the heightened forms of racialization and surveillance of Muslim and Black communities, especially since the global wars on terror.


key words

post-colonial europe subaltern archives

 science, technology, & society   media

street cultures creative resistance



"Spaces can be real and imagined. Spaces can tell stories and unfold histories. Spaces can be interrupted, appropriated, and transformed through artistic and literary practice." (bell hooks) This bell hooks' quote captures my vision and activism in what I do. I envision developing community projects that activate public spaces through movement and sound. Street and club dance cultures lay bare how legacies of colonialism and racial capitalism uphold structural forms of racism and post-colonial amnesia in the built environments and socio-technical networks of the contemporary Global North.

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